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Showing posts from March, 2012

8th Grade Poster Design

The first project for the eighth grade was a poster design. Initially it was supposed to be a movie poster about their life, but I expanded it to give them more options. Their poster design could be based around a band, sports team or movie. They were supposed to be the star of whatever option they chose to go with. We started off by looking at different movie poster designs and discussing the elements that make up a strong composition. The requirements for the poster design included lettering for the title or name, the inclusion of a self-portrait, a strong eye-catching composition, and the appropriate use of mixed media to convey their message. After completing a rough draft we held a class critique to offer suggestions for the final poster design. The finished poster designs were incredibly varied and interesting.

Marlborough Middle School 5-8

I started this year off by covering a long term maternity leave at the Whitcomb Middle School in Marlborough MA. One of the greatest aspects of this job were the two other art teachers I had to work with, exchange ideas, and look to for support and guidance. I was expected to teach the same projects, but they were always open to new ideas. I learned so much working there and connected with a lot of my students. I was very sad to leave in December. The next few posts will highlight some of the lessons I taught.