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Showing posts from November, 2010

Personality Hands

This is a fourth grade project I started teaching last year. This project helps me to get to know my fourth graders and gives me an idea of their basic art skills. The art term we learned through this project is overlapping and how to make our hands look like they are being overlapped. We also talked about creating interesting compositions in each hand using different colors, shapes, and lines. Check out some of their finished work!

Welcome to ART 2010-2011

WELCOME STUDENTS!!! Art at Hopkins started off a bit differently than other years. This year we started by creating our art for the Square One Art fundraiser. As always the students did an excellent job and there were wonderful results. Fourth grade students have finished their first project and fifth graders are working steadily on two different projects. The next blog will show some of their work. I am looking for donations of recycled materials like newspapers, magazines, papertowel rolls, egg cartons and anything else !! I am excited about the art we will be doing this year so stay tuned for new posts!!