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Showing posts from February, 2013

A few more Name Transformations

These were so clever I had to post a few more...   

Name Transformations

  For the first mini drawing project, students were asked to write their first names in bubble or block letters and transform them into objects that reflect their unique personalities. Here are some amazing examples!!

Classroom Rules

My classroom rules are vital to creating a safe space where art can be made and students are comfortable sharing ideas. These rules will help make an environment that runs smoothly, and will allow my students to be productive and happy.       No disrespectful language or behavior to teacher or fellow students. Use appropriate language. Be kind. Clean up after yourself, you are responsible for anything you use! Alert teacher of any major spills or serious problems. No FOOD in the art room. Water is ok, please recycle empty bottles. Technological distractions are NOT allowed and will be confiscated. Alert the teacher if you need to leave the room during class. (Bathroom break etc..) Make eye contact with teacher to notify her that you are leaving. Attendance policy: Here is an attendance scenario- You are more than 2 minutes late and you... Have a pass and hand it to the teacher (GOOD JOB!) Quietly enter the room with no ...

Lexington High School Foundations of Art!

       Welcome to the blog for all students taking Foundations of Art with me this semester. Here you will find some information about the course, a brief summary of the units we will be studying, my grading policy, and other important information. Throughout the semester I will be posting homework assignments, examples of student work, and other fun art related items. Here is the outline of my syllabus, in our first meeting I went through each item in more detail. Please email me at with any questions or concerns.    Course Description : Students in this course will learn the fundamental principles of creating 2-D visual arts. This course teaches basic drawing and design principles which are used throughout all LHS visual arts classes. Students begin the year with assignments that focus on completing specific objectives and are later given projects that allow for greater freedom. For all assignments, students are ...